Thursday 6 January 2011

Research - Identifying what is needed for a level 4

Identifying what you need to achieve a Level 4

There is evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
  • holding a shot steady, where appropriate
  • framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate
  • using a variety of shot distances as appropriate
  • shooting material appropriate to task set
  • selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
  • editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
  • using varied shot transitions and other effects selectively and appropriately for task set
  • using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set
  • using titles appropriately.
Looking at examples of how students have achieved Level 4 for your brief and identifying what they have done well:
  • Credits play over the footage being shown
  • Non-Digetic sound of a newsreader reading a report setting up the plot of the film
  • Switches between different shots of him running, connotively showing that he's been on the run for a long time
  • Non-digetic sound in the background creates atmosphere
  • Camera zooms out to show his reaction to what he has done
  • Use of costume, and setting when he comes out of the church with blood on his top
  • Starts with the name of the producer, which is supposedly a recognisable name
  • Good use of clip transitions
  • Good use of editing techniques

Students analysis of 'The Dark Knight'
I believe the students analysis of the dark knight stands out as a high grade because thery have clearly noted what they have seen in the opening credits both dennotively and have then said what this could mean connotively. They have identified things in the credits technically and then investigated what this could represent and the message it could send to the viewer. However, the presentation could be made better without bulltet points and if it were put into proper paragraphs rather then a note form.

1 comment:

  1. 11/20 (D)

    You have completed sound research into similar products and the potentail target audience. Some planning is also evident.

    To improve further complete a detailed storyboard and shot list. Try to illustrate your analysis of film opening sequences with still images.

    Change the background of your blog so your posts are easier to read.

    You still need to complete your preliminary task.
